Ingredients in IV drips are
% absorbed by your body because they are administered directly into your bloodstream becoming immediately available to your cells, decreasing the time it takes for the therapy / supplementation to take effect.

Ingredients can be a mix of: normal saline, B-complex, vitamin C, thiamine, folic acid, zinc, selenium, magnesium sulfate, calcium gluconate, ketorolac, glutathione, LMW iron dextran, glucosamine, famotidine, ondansetron, caffeine citrate, amino acids, taurine… and more (ask your technician for details on your speficic therapy). We also provide vitamin B12 shots (intramuscularly).
Your body uses the maximum amount of what is needed and excretes the rest for maximum effect.
In need of simple re-hydration, relief from a spring cold or allergies, joint pain and stiffness, a hangover, or just need that maximum pick-me-up… Call the Hydra-STAT Team to schedule your therapy in the comfort of your home or office.